Friday, November 05, 2010

It's been a bleck week so far. I've been sick and haven't been on the torch except a tiny bit. Coughing and making beads don't mix.

SO... I'm going to give it another try this evening, but not have big expectations. Instead, this morning, I'm.... drumroll.... GOING TO PICK UP MY NEW TORCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!

I'm sooooo excited. It might be a bit of a learning curve getting used to it, so I'm not going to take my old torch out of circulation yet... just in case. If I adjust to it quickly, however, I plan on selling the phantom to purchase one smaller torch for Thing 1 (A GTT Cricket)....and using the rest of the proceeds to rebuild my glass inventory. I seem to be FLYING through glass since I started making beads again AND I'm making bigger stuff, so that makes it even worse.

Off to the glass store... YAY!!!!!

tiny blah blah blah...

coffee - yes! CDL and it's yummy on such a cold morning!
music - not yet, but I'll be singing along with the Christmas tunes in the studio later while I make ornaments!

1 comment:

rosebud101 said...

Congratulations, Sylvie!