Monday, November 01, 2010

It's Mixed-Bag Monday!!!!

On the "down" end of the mix (I'm putting the down first because it's short and I don't want to dwell on it) I'm sick. Same icky crud my kids had. I guess it was bound to catch up with me...but ick. I want to feel better so that I can get back into the studio tomorrow.

On the GOOD end.... it's another BIG good (I told you guys that there were ups and downs and if there weren't some downs, the ups would be UP at all). The BIG UP is that I won the Flametree Halloween Glass Contest!!!!!!!! This is HUGE for so many reasons.

1. I finally got my nerve up to enter something.

2. I won a SCORPION torch (those of you who don't do glasswork won't know what a big deal that is... but it's the absolute IDEAL torch for doing the work I'm doing AND it's out of my price-range, so I wouldn't have bought one myself anytime soon. But now I don't have to buy one!!!! YAY!!!!!!!! There were SO many great entries that this is a big honor.

3. The piece I made really inspired me to go in some new directions with my work. This filled the void that the "lack of inspiration" posting was talking about. I now have a great new path I can explore. This path will make room for some other non-beady possibilities. I'm sooo excited about it.

4. That win gave me the courage to enter another contest and other juried shows! Watch out world!!!

ok... back to real life and hot tea. Hopefully I'll be back in the studio tomorrow where I can explore these new ideas!!

tiny blah blah blah..

coffee - nope. Hot tea.
music - nope. Project Runway CANADA marathon. It's pretty good, ey?


Until We Bead Again, Beth Murr said...

Congrats on the win. I had no doubt. Love your work. Maybe some day I'll dust off my torch and have another go at it.

rosebud101 said...


Sylvie said...

Thank you!!