Friday, December 16, 2011

In the Holiday Spirit... a bit of Motown

Please ignore this post if you're not related to my kid.....

I know that some of his extended family is not a part of my Facebook world where I would normally share videos and they weren't able to attend his band concert last night.  This was his first time playing drums for the middle school Jazz Band and I thought they'd like to see it.  (I'm sending them a link to the blog because the file is too big to email)

This was his first time playing drum set in public and he was nervous, and you can't see it, but he never smiles or even looks up through the whole thing, but he did great!!

WARNING... I'm a terrible videographer because I get the shakes and it was taken with my phone, so the resolution is pretty crummy, BUT you can hear him at least and hopefully that makes up for my poor skills.

So... without further ado...  here's G on drums in Heard it Through the Grapevine.  Make sure you stick with it all the way to the end because his "big finish" is the very best part.

For everyone else (and the Lansdownes, Grimes and Griffins too)...  Merry Christmas!  I'll check back with the "everyone elses" of you later to give you studio updates.

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