Saturday, July 31, 2004

Ikea in Atlanta!!!

It's a short entry, I know, but it's an important life changing one. :)

Until summer 2005, I'll be loitering in the Atlantic Steel future Shopping area in midtown. I'll be the one in the soon-to-be parking lot with a big empty truck, ready to back up to the loading zone! :)

Hooray for the Braves who beat the Mets tonight. Go Braves!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Here we go....

Sort of lots to talk about, but nothing really important (like there is usually something important here?)

1st...I want a Mac Pro store in Atlanta. Why? I don't know, I just don't like NOT having something that other cities have! I want to play with the Mac pro pigments and they don't sell them here! Why do I care about these makeup items when I hardly EVER wear lots of makeup? Because like playing with glass colors, playing with makeup colors is really fun for me. These pigments can be mixed into lipgloss/lipstick/eyeshadow, moisturizer, NAIL polish....the list goes on. I'm just fascinated by the thought of mixing my own colors! Bring the Mac pro store to Atlanta...pleeeeeeeeeeease!

I priced last night the following options...

Paying for Rob's next semester of college
Buying 4 pairs of Stuart Weitzman boots (I don't really need 4, but it's a math comparison here)
Flying last minute to the Gathering in Portland
Flying to NY or LA to buy MAC
Buying an Oxygen Concentrator (or 2)

All of these options add up to pretty much the same figure. I see, looking at the list, that only ONE of these does not directly offer any benefit to me. Sure, I can hope that there would be future income based on the tuition, but no guarantees. I would not gain any real happiness by having Rob go to school. HOWEVER, buying shoes or makeup would be a happy thing. Buying an oxygen concentrator would directly benefit the income making ability...since right now I'm out of oxy and Rob is out of town, so I'm stuck w/out oxy until MONDAY! Finally, the Gathering would be a happy-ish thing. If not happy, at least educational.

I've pretty much narrowed my choices down to oxygen concentrator, boots and tuition...for various reasons....Hmmmmmm what to do?!

I'm going to spend my non-beadmaking weekend beading. I'm really wanting to play a bit with creating something new and I need to finish up a couple of samples, so that will be the real alone time accomplishment of the weekend.

I have ordered a new photo setup. It was expensive, but I spend SO much time trying to get photos to look good that I decided that the $ spent would be worth it. I hope so.

Ok...this whole entry has been about shopping. Hmmmmmmmm. With Nordstrom having a sale this weekend, that might be a BIG temptation.....I hear shoes calling. People go bid on my auctions I want some boots!!!!!


did my workout today with the evil piece of equipment which looks so UN-evil. Beware the exerball! Really a good core workout, but OUCH!

off to find food (funny that the food thing came after talking about exercise?!

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I should be here saying important life-changing/affirming things.

I'm not.

I have absolutely nothing of real importance to say, so instead I'll go back to what I used to do and just say what I made today.

Today I made beads. I spent the morning playing with techniques that I learned from Michael Barley last year, interpreted with a Sylvie-esque spin (can't really say what that is other than the fact that they don't look like Michaels! LOL) I made a series of beads...not trying to make any 2 the same...this is a BIG deal for me! I love matching things, so this was really living on the edge.

I later came back to the studio and made some smaller more monotonous e-bay esque dot beads. Played with color to make it more interesting. THEN found out that I'm down to relatively NO oxygen and Rob is leaving out of town early a.m. I thought I had a back up tank, but turns out...this WAS the backup tank!!!!

I immediately began planning a weekend alone WITH NO OXY! Can you believe it? I have a whole weekend to make beads in peace and NO OXYGEN!!!!!!!! I'm a little frustrated with myself for getting in this predicament. Guess I'll paint the house instead. :(

Not happy about this at all. In fact starting to really pout about it.

In other things...I want a mac pro shop here! I just saw a bunch of stuff on e-bay that came from can make your own eyeshadow colors, etc. I wanna do this! Guess I'm trying to do something else since I can't make beads.

I'm bummed bummed bummed.

Can you say "going to buy a concentrator?????" I thought you could. :)

no starbucks

(been really really off of it lately. No starbucks = no shaking hands)

Chik fil A tea and 2 dunkin donuts. Breakfast of Champions.

Swam 800 yds in 30 minutes...thus negating the donuts (sort of)

no weight gained, nor lost

court tv viewing in studio - stupid but true

Friday, July 23, 2004

Dear Blog,

This has absolutely nothing to do with beads or beadmaking, but I must voice my feelings somewhere and this is it.

My radio station has changed. In one day they went from classic rock to a new format of mixed alternative/today and some David Bowie and Clapton. This is not classic rock. How will I continue to teach my children what is right and wrong with music? Yes, many of their programming choices are good, but they have fired my DJ's and hired a computer. And worse...they named it a cheezy name Dave FM!

I have listened to some of these DJs since I was in high school! This is too much change for me. I don't like it one bit....ok only one little bit where they played John Mayer, but that was only a tiny bit.

Please let me wake up and find that this was only a dream or a bad April fools joke or something. Let me wake up to a morning DJ not a computer.

I will not be able to listen to the 5:00 whistle today, which has happened every Friday afternoon since before 1984 (the earliest that I remember listening to it) Is radio dead? Am I doomed to getting satellite radio? Will satellite have a 5:00 whistle? I think not. :(

Video killed the radio star? No, big corporate media conglomorate (sp?) killed the radio station.

waxing sentimental,


Thursday, July 15, 2004

happy happy day.

have finished editing photos and loading beads into the storefront!!!!!!!!


am e-mailing the sylviebead list tonight to let them know.


this bunch of beads has crazy names. Even Griffin says so :)

Saturday, July 10, 2004

It's Saturday. I've spent the last few days making bead bundles. I'm photographing (I hate that part) and getting names/measurements so that I can list these in my storefront and then to auction. It's about time! I'm even getting e-mails asking if I'm still making beads! LOL to do photo stuff. ick ick ick. I'm just too picky about my photos and they're never ever THAT good. I've tried tons of things and still don't have the magic ticket to gorgeous photography.

had starbucks today. it was awful. go figure!

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

I feel like talking in Meow Kitty language (remember Mr. Rogers...the cat who lived in the tree next to the owl?)

Meow meow busy meow.

Meow meow $%&^! meow meow.

Meow money meow meow shoes meow.

Meow avoiding meow meow.

Meow computer meow.

Meow sleepy.
I feel like talking in Meow Kitty language (remember Mr. Rogers...the cat who lived in the tree next to the owl?)

Meow meow busy meow.

Meow meow $%&^! meow meow.

Meow money meow meow shoes meow.

Meow avoiding meow meow.

Meow computer meow.

Meow sleepy.
spent the holiday weekend sick...allergies hit and turned into icky sinus stuff. Makes it hard to make beads when you can't breathe!

I did go back into the studio yesterday to get more beads made for bundles. I'm desperate to have enough to sell on e-bay again. I need to have enough stock to do that though. I seem to have a ton of beads...none of them work together. :(

Hopefully, after at least another 2 days or so, I'll have enough colors to make SOMETHING to sell. Need to sell. Time to make some money.

Hating the relation of money to beads right now. I am just telling myself that my "job" right now is a beadmaker and making little beads is just a job...not an art form for me. There are those whose small beads are art. I just don't view mine that way. My heart and soul are not in those beads.

I'm wanting to have the freedom to make whatever I want without having the monetary factor in there. I really really would like to spend more time doing one of a kind mixed media sculptures, but for now, that's just not happening. to do other work stuff (not even bead work stuff)