Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I love Michigan... and Michigan loves me.

Just got back from teaching for the Great Lakes Beadworkers Guild. Those girls ROCK (and I'm not just saying this because Deb is reading... it's true!) They've become family over the years... and I love coming back year after year to see them (sometimes more than once a year!)

(some of the guild girls from the first class with me at lunch)

This was the first time I'd taught for their guild, however and it was a wonderful experience. I had some new students, who hadn't taken classes with me at Pam's Bead Garden, so it was really nice to add to my Michigan friends! They made the Flora Flora Bloom Boom necklace project and I think they all really enjoyed it. It's such a fun project because the parts are individual and you see all sorts of ways you can vary the look by changing/adding components. LOVE THAT!

I came home with GAZOODLES of ideas thanks to these great girls. I'll be back to see them in October, so hopefully I'll have something to show them that came from our brainstorming sessions!

But before I start on those ideas.... I have to get through the ISGB Gathering (my social anxiety weekend... the convention of Glass Beadmakers) and the Bead and Button application deadline!

so I'm off to pack....

tiny blah blah blah

coffee - NEED
music - interested to see what playlists,
created by a 13 year old await. :/

1 comment:

Debra said...

Of course I'm reading! I so enjoyed the weekend and Flora Flora Boom Boom. I hope lots of students take this class from you, they wont regret it. Have a safe and wonderful time at the Gathering. Stick close to Helena and you'll be fine. We all love you. Wish I was joining you.