Saturday, April 30, 2005

Saturday of Rain.

No little league....yes Krispy Kreme (just made sense on a rainy Saturday morning)

Trying to do Clean Sweep in playroom went over like a lead balloon. Met with tears and frustration, I finally gave up and told them just to find trash and I'd ask their Dad to clean it w/them next week as a Mothers Day present for me. Doubt that it will happen, but you never know.

I'm trying to psych myself up enough to do my own room. Which is pretty scary to say the truth! I could easily be a "Clean Sweep Candidate"

So, off to do what I need to do...laundry and floor finding. :)

no coffee, but it would have been a good idea!
Music - ipod mix called "music to clean a playroom by" (I thought it was a good idea, but didn't seem to help)

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