Because it's the night of the Girls Gone Mild Christmas Party!!!!!!!
I have 3 girls that are my very very closest friends. (sorry... if you're thinking that you're my BFF and you don't already know about this party... chances are you're a couple notches down on the ladder than you thought... but i'm sure I still think you're wonderful! :) )
ANYWAYS... these have been "my girls" for a very long time. 2 of my girls I have known since I was a teenager. I met Jenny when I was 13 and Denise when I was 15. Lee Anne came on the scene in my 20s, but fit right in as if she'd been one of us since our teen-age years as well. It's rare when people just "click" together like we do. We're all VERY VERY different, have different backgrounds, different careers, different senses of humor, but somehow we work perfectly together. We've been with each other through thick and thin... and everything in between. Every year these people become more and more important to me. I couldn't live without them.
We each have a "job" in the group.... I started noticing this last year and gave us our official titles. Without telling you everything about them (because they might not want to be fodder for my blog... they don't actually read it... they don't have to... they usually get the play-by-play from me anyways), I'll say that I'm the group historian, comedian and creative director. I'm the one who remembers every little thing about everything we've ever done together (and usually what we wore doing it).
I can tell you that in 9th grade Denise wore a red Geoffery Beene T-shirt when she wanted to look cute that she had a crush-from-afar on a guy (name withheld, but I still know it), that I can say the word "Hyundai" and crack her up, that Jenny's fan-belt broke on our way to church camp, that her next car had a leaky sunroof and that she had pink sparkly eye-shadow that I envied (and that in the set of 4 colors it was the only one she used). I can tell you almost everything about the weekend that we met Lee Anne (which I just erased because it's none of your business), most of the questions on the test we didn't pass to get onto the game-show we tried out for together, and all the details of what everyone was wearing at her step-son's wedding (and why it was important)... anyways... I remember it all and bring it up whenever we need to laugh or appreciate how much we've been through together. That's my job.
When were old and grey and some of our memories are a little fuzzy... I'll be there to remind them of our past... and they'll be there for me, telling me what's going on at that very moment (because that's NOT my job... to figure out what's going on right NOW!) Denise will make sure we're always in contact with each other and will have us booked at some fabulous spa (or after we're older maybe a swanky senior center), Lee Anne will make sure we're all still looking gorgeous and Jenny will keep our feet on the ground and make sure that we don't get arrested doing whatever Lee Anne thought we should do. :)
So back to tonight....
We decided a few years ago when we were in Las Vegas together that we needed to have a Christmas party each year just for us.... so we started it more of a casual "let's get together for a nice dinner out," but in the last 3 years, it's grown into an OFFICIAL part of the Holiday season and I have named it... The Girls Gone Mild Christmas Party. And TONIGHT is the night I look forward to all year long!
So... here's to the girls gone mild... the very best friends a girl could ever have!
Even though I know you're not reading this... I love you all!!!!!!!!!!

tiny blah blah blah...
I'm doing it a little different today.... no play by play of right now, but a preview of tonight...
Wardrobe - FABUBLOUS... nuff said
Drinks - The Mansion on Peachtree (we'll be enjoying Lady Saphires)
Dinner - Craft Atlanta
Music - The Fun Mix that Lee Anne will make for us to "dance" to on our drive
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