Thursday, February 05, 2009

It's Thursday... another cold day in Atlanta.... and it's Todd Gilbert's birthday!

Happy Birthday Todd! You are OLDER THAN ME!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!

Todd was in my elementary school classes until 6th grade. Every year he would make a big deal about being older than me. When you're in elementary school, that's cool. NOW I relish the fact that somewhere out there, Todd Gilbert is 2 days older than me... and I think about it every February 5th... that this funny kid is having his birthday somewhere out there, not having any clue that I'm celebrating it for him. :)

Happy Birthday Todd!

back to the beady blog...

I feel like I should have something important to say today, but I don't. I've been reading blogs of friends lately and they seem to always SAY something. Me, not so much. I know my blog didn't begin as something trying to SAY something, but sometimes it seems wasted space... just my chatter.

oh well...

Things I'm chattering in my head about...

I'm wishing I had time to make beads this week. It's just not happened yet. On the days I've had time, I haven't felt good OR it was too cold in the studio. I'm not forseeing beadmaking this weekend either. I'm spending it in a much more important way... with friends.

My mind is FINALLY full of ideas that I want to pursue. It's been a long time waiting for the ideas to start flowing again, but they have. I'm SO happy that I hadn't permanently lost my muse... just shelved her for a while.

Other random thoughts - (need to make a bullet list, otherwise I look totally scattered here)

  • I have enough glass, but there are new colors and even though I said I don't want them yesterday... I do. It's HARD to keep away from the new crayons. I want the 64 box... but only have the 48 and need to be content with it!
  • I want to play with my new whimsicalities tools!!!! I haven't made beads since I got them.... the studio is just TOO cold this week!
  • I miss going to Tucson (I know I keep saying that). Not for the show itself. I really wasn't big on that show... too much wholesale... too long... other reasons too. BUT I miss the comeraderie that show had (has). I am just connecting with a lot of my bead friends again and I know that of all the shows, Tucson is the one where you actually get to spend a little time with friends. I'm missing that opportunity.
  • I need someone organized to come attack my studio. I need an intervention...but by a beady person who gets what's important and what's not AND gets how I think because if it's put together in a way that's perfect for someone organized... it's NOT going to stay that way... it needs to be Sylvie-friendly.... just in better structure. I have 2 zones that don't make any sense and could be much better used. One of them would be good for a permanent photo-setup, but has a lot of miscellaneous stuff there now. Miscellaneous is bad. (but fun) :)
  • I'm going to a bead show on Saturday! That will be fun. I haven't been to one in Atlanta for a long time, so it will be a learning thing as well as a fun thing. I'm going w/ someone who has NEVER been to a bead show... so it will be fun to see her reaction to having so much beady stuff all in one place.

ok... that's it for today. I'm over the "list" thing.... it just shows there are too many things swirling in my head right now.

Oh look... another blog entry that didn't SAY anything!!!! oh well.... you're only here to find out what coffee I drank today anyways! ;)

tiny blah blah blah... (needing a sponsor for next week. Please apply!)

coffee - brought to me by me (and the nice guy in the drive-thru because I was too cold to go inside!) CDL with whipped cream!

music - Lifehouse and Crowded House (guess it's a "house" day???)

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